1. CLICK TO PURCHASE (€1,004.78)
Price covers a 3-Night Stay in a Single Room from Thursday to Sunday (15th to 18th of May)

DYF Wellness Retreat 2025 (3 Nights)


15th to 18th of May 2025

*Please note that the Summer 7-Week Term coupon code worth €70 pertains to DYF classes scheduled to open this July at the following venues:

✅ St. Vincents GAA Club, Marino
✅ Coolmine Sports Centre, Blanchardstown

✅ Our Lady of Dolours, Glasnevin

✅ Our Lady of Dolours, Glasnevin


Indicate how many tickets you wish to purchase in the quantity field.

Item quantity price
Dynamically Updated $0.00
Dynamically Updated (Bump Product) $0.00
Sub Total $0.00
Sales Tax $0.00
Shipping $0.00
Total $0.00

Make sure the email address is valid and without typographical errors.


Are you currently enrolled in a DYF In-Person Class? If YES, type your venue below. If NO, skip this query.

Are you currently subscribed to the 28-Day Challenge?

OR Click here if you are NOT currently enrolled in any DYF program
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Are you encountering difficulties submitting your booking? Check the following:

1. Review all your entries. Any erroneous entries will be highlighted in red
2. Verify that you entered correct credit card information
3. Did you click on the blue CLICK TO PURCHASE button?
4. Did you indicate a quantity?
5. AIB CARD USER? A pop-up box may appear when you make a booking prompting you to confirm your purchase through the AIB App. Please confirm the purchase as advised in order to complete your booking
6. Still unable to submit your booking? Email Customer Support at hello@danceyourselffit.com for assistance

IMPORTANT! Are you purchasing multiple tickets? You will be asked to enter your companion's contact information on the next page after you submit your booking.


 Docklands Innovation Park, East Wall, Dublin 3, Ireland.
 85 Great Portland street, First Floor, London, W1W 7LT
 Avenida de los Andaluces, S/N,Uurbanización Alhambra De Los Granados, Bloque 6, Apartamento 631, 29688, Estepona, Malaga

Have A Question or Concern? Contact Us: