FREE UPGRADE for not just one but TWO 7 Week Wellness Transformations worth €194 when you subscribe to our NEW live format of our 28-Day Challenge at a discounted rate of just €47 €37 per month!
FREE BONUSES and big savings including…
2 x 7 Week Wellness Transformation (€194)
28-Day Challenge Discount (Worth €120)
VIP Access Wellness Challenges (Worth €135)
DYF T-SHIRT (Worth €47 just pay s&h)*
2 x 7 Week Wellness Transformation (€194)
28-Day Challenge Discount (Worth €120)
VIP Access Wellness Challenges (Worth €135)
DYF T-SHIRT (Worth €47 just pay s&h)*
Total value and savings worth €496 when you click on the button below and subscribe to our online membership for just €37 per month!
*PLEASE NOTE - We will send a link to claim your Free DYF T-Shirt. Just pay the shipping & handling fee for your area in order to receive the free gift reserved for the first 100 subscribers only.
To be awarded to the first 100 subscribers*
*PLEASE NOTE - We will send a link to claim your Free DYF T-Shirt. Just pay the shipping & handling fee for your area in order to receive the free gift reserved for the first 100 subscribers only.